Sunday, November 05, 2006

Linux - EasyUbuntu

Welcome to EasyUbuntu
Welcome to EasyUbuntu!

EasyUbuntu is an easy to use (duh!) script that gives the Ubuntu user the most commonly requested apps, codecs, and tweaks that are not found in the base distribution - all with a few clicks of your mouse.

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Cisco - Prioritising ACK Traffic Simply

class-map match-all priack
 match access-group 101
policy-map prioritize-ack
 class priack
  bandwidth 500

interface Ethernet1
 description WAN
 ip address X.X.X.X
 ip nat outside
 service-policy output prioritize-ack
 no cdp enable

access-list 101 permit tcp any any ack

Cisco#sh access-lists 101
Extended IP access list 101
   10 permit tcp any any ack (25521 matches)

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Cisco - How to block Skype traffic

How to block skype June 7, 2006
Posted by ciscotips in security, Router, QOS, Access-lists. trackback

On April 4th 2006, Cisco released IOS version 12.4 (4) T. Cisco introduced
much awaited Skype classification in NBAR . So now with simple policy you
can block skype. Skype can be blocked in a similar way as we use to block
kazza,limewire and other p2p applications.


NBAR configuration to drop Skype packets

class?map match?any p2p
match protocol skype

policy?map block?p2p
class p2p

int FastEthernet0
description PIX?facing interface
service?policy input block?p2p

If you are unsure about the bandwidth eating applications being used in
your organisation. you can access the interface connected to the Internet
and configure following command

ip nbar protocol-discovery.

This will enable nbar discovery on your router.

Use following command:-

show ip nbar protocol-discovery stats bit-rate top-n 10

it will show you top 10 bandwidth eating applications being used by the
users. Now you will be able to block/restrict traffic with appropriate QoS

we can also use ip nbar port-map command to look for the protocol or
protocol name, using a port number or numbers other than the well-known
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)-assigned) port numbers.

Usage as per cisco:-
ip nbar port-map protocol-name [tcp | udp] port-number

Up to 16 ports can be specified with this command. Port number values can
range from 0 to 65535Cisc o

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Linux - Backing up a Unix(-like) system

Backing up a Unix(-like) system
Backing up a Unix(-like) system

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Cisco - Configuring TCP Performance Parameters

Tips on improving TCP performance

Cisco IOS IP Application Services Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 - Configuring TCP Performance Parameters  [Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.4 Mainline] - Cisco Systems
The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a protocol that specifies the format of data and acknowledgments used in data transfer. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol because participants must establish a connection before data can be transferred. By performing flow control and error correction, TCP guarantees reliable, in-sequence delivery of packets. It is considered a reliable protocol because if an IP packet is dropped or received out of order, TCP will request the correct packet until it receives it.

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Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP

Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP
The Shared Computer Toolkit helps make it easy to set up, safeguard, and manage reliable shared computers running genuine Windows XP.

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Windows XP - NSA Security Guide

Operating Systems Guides
Microsoft Windows XP Guides

NSA has developed and distributed configuration guidance for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 in the form of configuration guides. These guides are currently being used throughout the government and by numerous entities as a security baseline for their Windows systems.

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Cisco - Block Skype

Block Skype
How to block skype June 7, 2006
Posted by ciscotips in security, Router, QOS, Access-lists. trackback

On April 4th 2006, Cisco released IOS version 12.4 (4) T. Cisco introduced
much awaited Skype classification in NBAR . So now with simple policy you
can block skype. Skype can be blocked in a similar way as we use to block
kazza,limewire and other p2p applications.


NBAR configuration to drop Skype packets

class?map match?any p2p
match protocol skype

policy?map block?p2p
class p2p

int FastEthernet0
description PIX?facing interface
service?policy input block?p2p

If you are unsure about the bandwidth eating applications being used in
your organisation. you can access the interface connected to the Internet
and configure following command

ip nbar protocol-discovery.

This will enable nbar discovery on your router.

Use following command:-

show ip nbar protocol-discovery stats bit-rate top-n 10

it will show you top 10 bandwidth eating applications being used by the
users. Now you will be able to block/restrict traffic with appropriate QoS

we can also use ip nbar port-map command to look for the protocol or
protocol name, using a port number or numbers other than the well-known
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)-assigned) port numbers.

Usage as per cisco:-
ip nbar port-map protocol-name [tcp | udp] port-number

Up to 16 ports can be specified with this command. Port number values can
range from 0 to 65535

Operating Systems Guides
Microsoft Windows XP Guides

NSA has developed and distributed configuration guidance for Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 in the form of configuration guides. These guides are currently being used throughout the government and by numerous entities as a security baseline for their Windows systems.

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